any 1 help with this plz.

does any 1 know how to add more objects than standard 250
becuz if i add a streamer from mido and some others double o 7 etc
some objects wont show up so if the map is on the water u fall sometimes in the water :S
so if any 1 know plz tell me rep++

this wont work for me becuz the microsoft shit wont work for me thing and how do i add the objects on a streamer like that ?
or does any 1 know if theres any other way

I recommend you to use this one. Follow all instructions corretcly and you should have a working object streamer!
Click here.

u cant fa..king read ?? i sayd no mido streamer... read before u post.

You said you fall sometimes in the water... Does it happen everytime or does it even succeed any time?

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