
I Would like to make a Tutorial Command, But...
Can i use a Timer That Changes The Text?

Welcome To My Server,

(then a timer after 5 seconds)

You Can do much Stuff

Can i make That timer and how Can i do it?
Thank you for your help

You mean something like an automatic adverts ?

You can do it like that...

Put This at the top of your script, with other defines

pawn Код:
forward Advertisements();
forward Advertisements2();

Put this somewhere below #include's
pawn Код:
public Advertisements2()

    new string[255];
  new ftext[255];
  if(ad == 1) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
  else if(ad == 2) { ftext = "~ your text your text ! ~"; }
  else if(ad == 3) { ftext = "~ your text your text. ~"; }
  else if(ad == 4) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
  else if(ad == 5) { ftext = "~ your text your text ! ~"; }
  else if(ad == 6) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
  else if(ad == 7) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
  else if(ad == 8) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
  else if(ad == 9) { ftext = "~ your text your text ~"; }
    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", ftext);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0x8ECDF6AA, string); // Color of the text

    return 1;

public Advertisements()

    new dice = random(9)+1;
    ad = dice;
    return 1;


Originally Posted by dice7
No i mean That Somebody Can Type /tutorial and he sees a Tutorial Just like In The godfather but then with a command, How can i make this?

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