echo"ing this back

ok right say a player does this
		dcmd_drift(playerid, params[])
		new tString[80];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, tString, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
		format(tString, sizeof(tString), "(News) %s has teleported to drift do /drift to join",tString);
		SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_BLUEAQUA, tString);
		GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"Welcome to drift",2500,3);
		#pragma unused params
		return 1;
i would like this part to format(tString, sizeof(tString), "(News) %s has teleported to drift",tString); echo back in irc but im not sure how to do it


Add under SendClientMessageToAll the message function you use to return messages to your irc channel on exicuting an irc command.

IrcSay or ircSay something like that.

Anyway that would echo it to the channel you specify.

If you want colours then you can hold Ctrl + k in mIRC and it shows a little box to choose colours from.

When you select one, you'll see a symbol looking like a little square followed by a number.

You'll need to highlight and cut that, then in your pawn script write the same format line again but AFTER SendClientMessageToAll.

Then paste the colour code you cut from irc, make sure you paste it within the " " of your formatted string.

Also make sure it's at the point where you'd like the coloured writing to start.

Gimme a shout on irc if you get stuck

thanks man

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