How to portforward Edimax routers [New Method]

Hello,i makeing this topic to help thoso who have trouble portforwarding there server..i had the same probleam and i found out how to fix this with a way i discovered
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ samp and go to [server] then press [add server] type in ur port normally it will be 7777 then press enter
2.your server will appear but only you can see it up once on your server at [server info] it will look like this [Address:] but you wont have the same address as mine copy your address or write it down..
5.go to ******.com and type in [my ip] in search there will be a load of websites that tells you ur ip or go to
6.copy your IP address then paste it in your thing where you would type in the address of a website i forgot whats it called lol will get a small window asking you for a user name and password it will be admin for user and 1234 for the password but not all are the same it will same you are in the setup of ur router
9.go to [Nat] then [portforwarding] now as you can see in the photo there is Enable Port Forwarding
Private IP Type Port Range Comment. press [enable portforwarding] in [Private IP] type that address we found at the 3ed step of this tutoral and removed the port number from the address ur address should now look like this [originally] then after you put the address in leave [type] the way you found it if its not the same then put it on [both]
11.[Port Range] now put in ur port number like 7777 once you did type it in on the other line it should look like this 7777-7777 then on comment put in Samp or anything you want [add] and wait alittle then your done! people can now join ur server

Because everybody uses the same router as you obviously.

any stupid comments wont be accepted
i did a poll on my friends website 76% of his members use edimax so i choose to use this router

Or just use DUH!

sigh -.- i told you guys already stop with the stupid comments not every1 knows how to do it like that jesus this is a new method read ffs -.-
#6 covers all routers, your router is BY FAR not popular.

Woet,it is now do me a fav and stop posting i can only cover few routers this method is for this router now shush be thankful that im giveing you this information
anyone else who wishes to continue the insults will not be replyed to

I adjusted the title at least, this will be fine.


Bumping tutorials? locked.

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