error 17

(964) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
pawn Код:
CreateStreamedMapIcon(playerid, 1699.741577, 411.898254, 30.673496, 0.000000, 0.000000, -19.767044, 28, 0);
i am using Icons++ by LavaMike and have #include <IPP> MapIconConnect(playerid); and MapIconDisconnect(playerid); in my game mode...

also i have put "CreateStreamedMapIcon" in my "public OnGameModeInit" section where all the vehicle spawns go.. what am i doing wrong?

please don't refer me back to the Icon++ topic, because the topic is pretty dead

OnGameModeInit doesn't have 'playerid' param, put your streamed MapIcons somewhere else (OnPlayerConnect, OnPlayerSpawn, ..).

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