Text Draw Problem

Hi I am Abhinav. I created a Vehicle System(Spawner, tweaker , speedometer, stats etc) in a single script ... It was seemingly to be working fine ...I mean Awesome with 0.2x vesion .... then, when the Beta 0.3a RC4-4 arrived, I tested it in that too ... and it worked good....but now with the final release of 0.3a, I cant see my vehicle stats...and some of my default functions doest seemed to be working
I have a commands to show and hide Vehicle Messages(A group of 10 text Draws that how that who spawned what vehicle). It is turned on for every lpayer by default according to script....as I have made a visbily flag for it(Boolean) ..... but it doesnt works and players have to enter the commands first to enable it..... on the other side I have a major problem that .. the vehicle stats are vesible but the vlues are not vesible in the places they should be.. like the speed is vesible on some very different TextDraw ....

At last I want to say that all of my text Draw Values are messed Up and the Defauts for TextDraw vesiblity arne working
(NOTE: Everything was working until 0.3a Beta RC4-4)

Exteremely Thanks for any kind of help.

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