
Ok in the server there is army which players have to apply for on forums. Certain players only have the right to choose the army skin. I was wondering is it possible to have a rocket launcher spawn so they can have a rocket launcher . i know that is possible already the thing is how can we make sure that only the army players can use it and that hackers can not spawn it?


Not tested, but maybe it's right. see and tell me

//Top of GameMode
forward ResetWeapons();
new resetweaponstimer;

//in public GameModeExitFunc()

//in public OnGameModeInit()
resetweaponstimer = SetTimer("ResetWeapons", 1000, 1);

public ResetWeapons()
  for (new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
      if (!Army && GetPlayerWeapon(i) == 39)
		 ResetPlayerWeapons(i);//Or if you prefer, you can use a kick or ban.
        //Ban(i); or Kick(i);

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