Sa mp won't install, for some wierd reason!

NOTE : FIX FOUND! All you have to do to fix this error, is turn off your computer and turn it back on! Start > Turn off my computer > Turn off. Then turn it back on, simple!

Alright, so i downloaded the 0.3 beta installer for a server, and i have the 0.2 installer in my desktop.

So when ever i want to switch, i just double click on one of the installers and everything works perfect and my sa mp changes to what i wanted it to.

This morning i woke up, and i double clicked on samp and it started up GTA SA not sa mp.
So i tried again but the same thing.
Then i uninstalled sa mp, and i tried installing 0.2 and then 0.3.

But this is what it tells me for both of them.

Error opening file for writing : 
C/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/samp.dll
Click abort to stop the installation. 
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.
[Abort]  [Retry]  [Ignore]
I click abort, and it just ends.
I click retry and it just stays the same.
I click ignore, and the installation moves on, but when i connect to a server GTA SA starts up.
Then if i click ignore, this pops up.

Error opening file for writing : 
C/Program Files/Rockstar Games/GTA San Andreas/samp.saa
Click abort to stop the installation. 
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file.
[Abort]  [Retry]  [Ignore]
Then i can click abort and it just ends.
I click retry and it just stays the same.
I click ignore, and it installs but when i connect to a server GTA SA starts up instead of sa mp.

It was probably because you had SA-MP 0.2 open while trying to install 0.3 by the looks of it. You're meant to close GTA and SA-MP and all files / folders related to it.

So yeah, restarting would be a simple fix but it would be easier to just close stuff.

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