[Tool/Web/Other] Moderntopia Roleplay control panel (Pre-release)

Hey roleplayers !

I've been working in an administration control panel for Moderntopia Roleplay, it's not finished at all but I just want to show you the pre-release, searching for ideas, recommendations ...

Features :
- List of registered players.
- Bans management.
- Login logs management.
- Possibility to modify players (Not finished).
- Top 10 stats (Not finished)
- Some other non-finished ideas.

As I said before, it's not finished, it's a pre-release. If you have any idea, recommendation or anything else, just post here !

Installation :
Modify the file "sql.php" according to your SQL data.


Thx gona test it now and i guess answer on question why modernothopia is cos its fully mysql based or just cos you like it you did it for you and shared it with us

Ok its time for bug reports(tested on windows XP sp2 in local host with wamp server)
1.Ban log is not working at all
2.Login logs saving time to random crap (well i think its counting how long server is worked and shoving milisecons
3.Massive modifications are bugged (it not add cash/drugs and dont ban users)

And about CP...i think you need add LOGIN function and just fix these thing and these CP is great
Oh and what is for INDEX ?i didnt found any function....

1. Not working at all? Maybe you don't have any banned members?
2. The "time" is the same showed in the MySQL table, I don't really know what is it (Milliseconds, hours, days) ...
3. Not bugged at all, as I said it's not finished and that part is not scripter, it's just to show you that's coming, I released this to see what you think.

It seems that you don't appreciate Moderntopia too much, tell me, for wich MySQL-based gamemode can I make a control panel? Because I can't find any MySQL gamemodes over here

Since it would be useless to put effort in a control panel for a buggy and crap gamemode, I will stop coding for this gamemode, if you know any other MySQL-based gamemode just tell me.

Good luck

Maybe, but the SQL databases are very different, so it would be hard.
Anyone knows another public SQL-based gamemode?

There's loads, check the Gamemodes board.

Originally Posted by JonyAvati
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Maybe, but the SQL databases are very different, so it would be hard.
Anyone knows another public SQL-based gamemode?
It isn't hard to edit it, just change the table and field name. Add or delete some stuff.
You do need some PHP knowledge.


Originally Posted by Mujib
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It isn't hard to edit it, just change the table and field name. Add or delete some stuff.
You do need some PHP knowledge.

If that's the case, better just make a new one right?

why release stuff that aint finished

Update this please

Can you make thies Ucp read from .ini?

Originally Posted by JonyAvati
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Maybe, but the SQL databases are very different, so it would be hard.
Anyone knows another public SQL-based gamemode?

Change the cpanel information to your sql >_<

Good CP!!! I configure it for my RolePlay Server(not Moderntopia), sorry for my english

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