Menu coordinates.

Sorry If this topic is already created. I need program or something like that to get menu coordinates.

I think you cant change Menu Coords but if you mean TextDraw Here is One Good Editor What gives you coords for TextDraw.

Originally Posted by Jofi
I think you cant change Menu Coords but if you mean TextDraw Here is One Good Editor What gives you coords for TextDraw.
Of course you can change them:
As you can see, parameters are:

Originally Posted by Wiki
(title[], columns, Float, Float:y, Float:col1width, Float:col2width)

title[] The title for the new menu
columns How many colums shall the new menu have
Float The position of the menu (0,0) is in upper left
Float:y The position of the menu

Float:col1width The width for the first column
Float:col2width The width for the second column

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