SA:MP & Minors

I dont want to come across as a prick or anything... but.. im curious.. why is there no age limit for SA:MP when the legal age for San Andreas is 18? I know that probably every ones heard it at some point or another and ive seen countless minors in the servers i frequent. Should server owners take it on their own responsibility to request an age apon registration? and kick minors out, or even ban them?

I searched what the laws are regarding video games and minors, the below links are what i found.
Video games and age restrictions – the US and UK
Article: U.S. video game industry will sue against age limit for violent games

from what ive found out is that it differs from each state in the US to the other.

since the legal age for San Andreas is 18.. Does that affect SA:MP to? since now SA can be obtained illegally through numerous "Warez" sites. Allowing minors essentially to play a game when their maybe from 1 year, to 9 years under the legal age to own SA.

It just might be wise to put an age verification system on the main website for the download of SA:MP, im just thinking it would save kye's back. Incase some disgruntle parent see his or her child on SA:MP and decides to take action.

In regards to the processing of the download say someone requests to download SA:MP, gets asked for verification, possibly via a photo or scan of a drivers license or other appropriate media. Or even a webcam. Then someone sends them a link via email to download after their age has been verified.

Anyway whats your thoughts?


It's up to the parents.

If their parents allow it, they should be able to play.

You have to own the game to play sa-mp. So the guy at the shop shouldn't of sold the game to a minor :P

GTA SA itself compared to some SAMP servers should be rated +12 and make SAMP a +18, becoz on SAMP u get bombarded almost everyday with flamewars, insults, racism, homophobic comments, profanity, sexism, etc etc.....

But, i think aswell that its up to the parents to controll their kids.

My guess is that over 90% of the GTA players are under 18.
I mean, huh. Who already is looking at the age restrict of games?

Every second CounterStrike player is under 16.

In the end you're playing the game GTA: San Andreas, SA-MP is just a program that makes it possible to play the game online with other players.

SA-MP is not a game, so I don't see any reason to have any age limits in it.

SAMP only manipulates content that is already in the single-player version of the game, which has an ESRB rating already. If uptight, fat soccer moms want to bitch at someone, they can bitch at either rockstar or the shop where the game was purchased.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
SAMP only manipulates content that is already in the single-player version of the game, which has an ESRB rating already. If uptight, fat soccer moms want to bitch at someone, they can bitch at either rockstar or the shop where the game was purchased.
Omg lol'd. But what kaiser said is basically how it is.

Being playing games that are not for my age since like 7 years old and i dont go around swearing if anything its made me more aware of everyday life so i dont go round swearing shagging and other stuff, i only get drunk with mates but i didnt get that from a video game

Originally Posted by (SF)EehsnaB
You have to own the game to play sa-mp. So the guy at the shop shouldn't of sold the game to a minor :P
lol, in Norway you can buy a +18 game when ur 12. The ppl in the shop doesn't care as long as they get it sold

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