17.09.2009, 12:51
Actions GUI
Info:Actions GUI is a filterscript that allows players in game to pick an action, fighting style or animation via a GUI.
Thanks to Jasen, his excellent filterscipt helped me a lot with understanding the new GUI system in 0.3 without it this filterscipt would not have been made.
Grab his filterscipt here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=122176.0
Copy the .amx into your filterscipts folder and edit the server.cfg
When in-game:
/actions - Will bring up a GUI the rest is self-explanatory

Actions v0.2:
Changes to v0.2: Changed the dialog-id to 2222.
Actions v0.1:
This filterscript starts at the dialog-id 2222
Yes i know.... i only put one animation (drunk walk) if you'd like more added post the ApplyAnimation line in a post and i shall add it

Only reason i put one is because the list is so long i couldn't include all of them and i don't know what the "good ones" are.