I'll need some help

Hello, I have seen a bug on my server and it's really abrasive one. The bugg is that you can do /kill when ever you want even when you are /freeze'ed with a admin command. So I'll need some help to make a solution on this problem, Thanks!

You will need a variable to store if each player is frozen or not, like:
pawn Код:
new bool:Frozen[MAX_PLAYERS];


  Frozen[playerid] = false;

Freeze command:
  Frozen[playerid] = true;

Unfreeze command:
  Frozen[playerid] = false;

Now add this check to /kill or whatever else:
  if (Frozen[playerid] == true) return SendClientMessage(playerid, WHATEVER_COLOR, "[FAIL] You are frozen, no suicide for ya!");

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