1 TextDraw For Many Things


Is it possible to have 1 textdraw for 20 entrances, so the text would change according to PlayerToPoint ?

If it's posible can i get a example code to get me started ? Thanks.

could i suppose just update the textdraw

Something like that, so if you near Restaurant (PlayerToPoint) the text would be Restaurant, if you near a GunShop(PlayerToPoint) the text would be GunShop... i was thinking about some variable that would change in accordance to PlayerToPoint but i can't seem to script this without errors, so please could I get some example code ? (Nothing big, just some lines to get me started) Thanks

Nobody knows ?

Originally Posted by Seif_ [adream-rp.com
Not when there's a lot of players going at a place at the same time. Create one for each entrance.
Then im done. I just thought it can be done easier and with less textdraws.

Btw. Your ADreamRP inspired me for the textdraw entrances.

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