space at adding maps

Hey. I allways need to press space few times that objects work. i mean, i can't but it on the left, need to put few times space that i can compile.
Now i have over 300 Objects and don't want to press many times space.

How do can do, that pawno automatic do space?


Can not compile because of space?

yeah explain a little clearer as this made no sense really.

lol sorry im little bit tired

no, i allways need to press "space" at every line if i add objects.

because of the warnings?

here a example:

pawn Код:
CreateStreamObject(987, 16.235786, 612.551208, 7.713384, 0.0000, 0.0000, 225.0000, 500); //number 1
CreateStreamObject(987, 7.499622, 604.144348, 8.253029, 0.0000, 0.0000, 225.0000, 500); //number 2

If i past the code in my filterscript it shows like number 2. it only work if i do like number 1, but i need to press space few times that it work. i mean, is there not a option that do that automatic?

Mark all over your objects, then press the TAB key, lol.

k, thx.

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