Cars problem

I have a big problem, i'm busy with change the coordinates from LS to LV. I have now change the copcars to they new place and i deleted the other cars for not being confused, but the deleted cars stand also on the place of the copcars in LV .... What is the problem ?

so remove the LV police cars

I have done that, but if i add the copcars, they are cars that i don't have added ....

Maybey the cars were already in the script ?
The best thing to do is to remove ALL cars and add them yourself.
Its a long and boring job but then you have the cars exactly were you want them.


I have done what you say, but when i add cars, they don't are in the server. But if i put the coordinates of new Float:HouseCarSpawns[][4] = { back in the script, the cars are on the place, but i just want 3 cars and now there are 6 cars of the same id .... Is there a problem with new Float:HouseCarSpawns[][4] = { ?


Somebody ?


I don't get what you are trying to say, please explain it better.

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