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Hello i have edited version of a GM its on other languige buti will find a way to translate it all anyway i have problems with the spawning furst the Cops was spawning in SF i made it so they spawn in LS but when i changed all the teams to LS it started giving me warning it complies it but it has warnings and sometimes it bugs so please help ITS AN EDIT PLEASE DONT START TALKING SHITS LIKE THIS NOT YOUR GM i asked in the Gm topic no one responded


here is the pastbin link http://pastebin.com/m5133209d
((sorry for my bad english))

got bored so i fixed it 4 you lol but promise you'll never make a gm that has some errors that sux.. like this one lol easyli to fix..
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X , Y , Z , WTF why do u need a 4th one??);
changed to
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X , Y , Z);
and no warnings...
if u want to set the players angle use

link: http://pastebin.com/f6344a138

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