How to automatically delete car after player exits? I have this so far..

under onfilterscriptinit()
SetTimer("DelCar", 2000, 1);

at the top
forward DelCar();

I don't know much about what else to do...
I think maybe it has to do with

public onplayerexitvehicle (playerid, vehicleid)

You want to delete the vehicle the player was in when they get out of it?

In that case you'd use:


He could also use it in OnPlayerStateChange.

Ok thanks. I will check that out. In the future I plan on making it so that if they get back in, it stops it from deleting, but not good enough yet. thanks

OK, so I got this and it works:

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
new currentveh;
currentveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
return 1;

but how can I make it work with onplayerstatechange? because I am a pretty new scripter, and after reading through more than 1 pawno manual it's still very confusing... im learning as i go though. i think i have onplayerexitvehicle down, but can someone help me out with using this script with onplayerstatechange?

Originally Posted by ThePS3Guy
Looking at the useless code there, you could save yourself three cycles by doing something like this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
Of course, you would have to add some checking, because if a passenger left the car, then that would be destroyed.

Talking of OnPlayerStateChange, go read the wiki, as well as the article about states. You can check if a player is the vehicle driver, then delete - job done.

Thanks We(stie) I see what you did there and why (which surprises me ) thanks.

but can anybody still help me with the onplayerstatechange please?

EDIT: wait didnt see that link u gave

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