06.08.2009, 11:00
I really have a stupid question..But I thought this would be easier.
Let's say my GM name right now is XXX. .pwn and both .amx's are XXX.
So I wanted to change the game mode to XDM.
I deleted both .amx's. I changed the .pwn's name to XDM and compiled so I got XDM.amx.
I copied the .amx and put it into the gamemodes so when I turn on the server, it can load the GM.
I opened the server.cfg and changed
gamemode0 XXX 1
gamemode0 XDM 1
I open the server but in server log it says I need a gamemode0 line.
What did I screw, I think it's something at .cfg
Thanks for your help, and no I'm not a noob I just thought this would be easier..
Let's say my GM name right now is XXX. .pwn and both .amx's are XXX.
So I wanted to change the game mode to XDM.
I deleted both .amx's. I changed the .pwn's name to XDM and compiled so I got XDM.amx.
I copied the .amx and put it into the gamemodes so when I turn on the server, it can load the GM.
I opened the server.cfg and changed
gamemode0 XXX 1
gamemode0 XDM 1
I open the server but in server log it says I need a gamemode0 line.
What did I screw, I think it's something at .cfg
Thanks for your help, and no I'm not a noob I just thought this would be easier..