[Include] [INC] tAxI's Map Icon Manager (streams up to 3000 minimap icons)

[INC] tAxI's Map Icon Manager/Streamer
OK This is a very simple INC that allows you to create Map Icons for every player simultaneously and you can have up to 3000 on ur map. essentially its a streamer but its a very easy to use streamer that has the benefit of my somewhat lengthy if not successfull experince/attempts at creating customised streamers to allow users to break the limits so hopefully this is the most advanced streamer out there for minimap icons...if not then I'll update lol :P so enjoy it and Have Fun!!!! The readme file is included along with the licence (GNU GPL). Please dont take credit and as i always say - post up ur experiences and problems and ill get back to you as soon as possible :P

Download Here

Heres a list of Map Icon models courtesy of SAMP WIKI for anyone who's interested - found this pretty useful lol: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/SetPlayerMapIcon


In order to run the minimap icon streamer properly you must insert:

#include <MI_streamer>

at the top of your script with the other include lines and also:


under OnGameModeInit() in your own GM script.

You also have to place the include file supplied in this download in your "pawno/include/"
folder before attempting to compile your GM with any of the commands contained within it.

--==<::Current commands as of 26/04/08::>==--

native tAxI_OnGameModeInit()

native CreateMapIcon(Float,Float:y,Float:z,modelid,Floa tpawn_dist)

native DestroyMapIcon(iconid)

native GetPlayerClosestIcon(playerid)

native IsPlayerInRangeOfIcon(playerid,iconid)

native ChangeMapIconInfo(iconid,Float,Float:y,Float:z,m odelid,Floatpawn_dist)

Really good

nice taxi! ! (the streamfather)

bah zhero, you got first :P


Originally Posted by Leopard
nice taxi! ! (the streamfather)

bah zhero, you got first :P
Damn i was first

Very nice
You got an example property sccript, or can you make it for nitro's freeroam (A), a properties icon system, which will set a icon to each property, if i give you link to the script?

basically its VERY simple...

@ OnGameModeInit()

just use CreateMapIcon for every house u have - you can check to see if the house is owned then make the house icon model represent owned or not owned - u can do that at the intial stage or simply run a process afterwards and use the ChangeMapIconInfo command to set the icon to the sold house icon

again when someone buys or sells a house simply use the changemapiconinfo command to set the icon to the corresponding model

post up ur code though if u like and i can insert the system - now the commands are all hardcoded it shud be a piece of cake to set up


This is my script, maybe you know it
Can you make something for this?

Nice, could be handy for my house system!

DAm this is sexy
love these sexiness keep it up tAxI

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