Swine Flu

Yeah, so my best mates family have all been diagnosed with Swine Flu last week, my best mates syptoms have now gone now I have developed them,

gonna wait until the morning to call the doc to see if I have got it...

Does anybody else think they have it?

A close family friend had swine flu. :+

its everywhere!

I hate it though, makes me feel crap

my friend got really sick from swineflu a couple of weeks ago and i havent heard from him since, he had to get hospitalized and stuff

I think I do


I am snizing for no reason
and i have direaeah :/

I dont believe in it. I mean they could go on the news right now and say theres a flesh eating disease in Africa and youd believe them how would you know unless you went to Africa yourself. Plenty of people die of normal flu all the time

well, www.who.int "World Health Organization" is not counting how many people has H1N1 virus, they stopped since 6 July, they say half people in world well get infected so we wont count anymore.

Originally Posted by Jamould
I dont believe in it. I mean they could go on the news right now and say theres a flesh eating disease in Africa and youd believe them how would you know unless you went to Africa yourself. Plenty of people die of normal flu all the time
Swine flu in the 80's disapeared, SARS disapeared, Mad Cow Disease ran off and Bird flu just flew away, not long before this imaginary disease just dies out.

Whenever someone has a flu or vomits nowadays they blame it on swine flu (not talking about you ʇǝʞɔosǝpoɔ, but i just don't believe its real, your just ill)

Yeah same goes for bse bird flu and sars its a load of shite. Im still waiting on killer bees

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