Animations Problem

i added some new anims, one of them being the Gwalk one and i put it on loop so it would keep on doing the Gwalk buh theres one problem when i do /gwalk, the player gwalks in one direction and i cannot change the direction when he Gwalks he will just walk can i change this so wen the player Gwalks, you can change the direction he is going while he is Gwalking...then i can apply this to the other anims that dont change direction aswell

well id say sumthin like a SEtPlayerAngle on OnPlayerKeystatechange
n then the newkey is left arrow rightarrow n shit
but would be very advanced tho

but i see it on other servers and i wanna do like when i make my player do Gangsigns he has to stand in one place, he cant were can i find out how to script this

hmm id say search on the samp wiki for onplayerkeystatechange
maybe it will help u
but i can't tell u how to do it exactly its very advanced n should be kinda difficult

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