Back to the old days

Hello all.
The rp servers atm are not that good.
They realy suck. A lot of dming and noob cops that dont know the commands.
I realy want back to the old times with Italy Mafia Roleplay etc.
I want to create a new RP server that realy beats the others.
I am looking for 5 admins.
I also looking for 5 scripters.

What can i bid you?
A fresh new website with latest Licensed Vbulletin with premium skin.
24/7 200 slot profesional hosting.
And a lot of dedication.

This thread is just to check if people are intrested in a new RP server.


Originally Posted by Robtuner
Hello all.
The rp servers atm are not that good.
They realy suck. A lot of dming and noob cops that dont know the commands.
I realy want back to the old times with Italy Mafia Roleplay etc.
I want to create a new RP server that realy beats the others.
I am looking for 5 admins.
I also looking for 5 scripters.

What can i bid you?
A fresh new website with latest Licensed Vbulletin with premium skin.
24/7 200 slot profesional hosting.
And a lot of dedication.

This thread is just to check if people are intrested in a new RP server.

I'm in Rob, I have 9/10 roleplay skills my friend.

EDIT: Server not working .net isn't working what's up?
EDIT: What's your MSN?

The server in my sig is from a year ago i still need to remove it my msn is

You mean when GF wasn't public ?

You want real RP? Go play on LS-RP server dude...

Well I could be an admin Im a beginner scripter so I dont know how much I could help

If you want i can help you as much i can...

well lol gimme admin and ill noob around (not rly of course) but most people who are saying that their good admins and stuff just want admin for the first time ^^ good admins dont offer thereselfs for admin, they get picked by the server owner because they show good
behavior on the server and they know the gamemode, this is seeking for a needle in a haystack :X so open your server play on it and find good admins between the players and than search for scripters here, read people's posts because the ones replying here have 1 - 30 posts, so read some topics (old topics) than youll see some great scripters who you can ask and maybe theyll script for you, remember these are just tips if you want admins and scripters from this topic, go ahead i wont stop ya ^^

Originally Posted by 0rb
You mean when GF wasn't public ?
Yeah. And when LSRP didn't ask for such high requirements.

If your not English and 20 years old, you won't be able to play on LSRP.

Originally Posted by Snickers
Originally Posted by 0rb
You mean when GF wasn't public ?
Yeah. And when LSRP didn't ask for such high requirements.

If your not English and 20 years old, you won't be able to play on LSRP.
Isn't that what the thread starter want too?
I'm neither 20 nor English, but I've stilled played on LSRP for about 2-3 years.

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