Need help with ammunation

I have added an ammunation to my server and added a checkpoint at the door.What i need help with is how to make it so when people step into red circle they end up in ammunation and are able to buy weapons as usual then when they leave they end up back in front of that same ammunation?Any help would be appreaciated.

Use OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint. When they enter it, set their position and interior to ammunation.

Could someone be more specific,so ive added ammunation:
CreateObject(18552, -1981.885986, 881.869263, 44.190384, 0.0000, 0.0000, 269.7592);
Ive added checkpoint at door:
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1990.0458,884.0585,45.2031, 3.0);
Now what do i add at:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
Im stumped on how to add it so when someone enters checkpoint they are inside ammunation and go up to dude and buy stuff and then leave and end up back in front of the ammunation?

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