[HELP]Need Control PHP Script to control Servers

I have 2 VPS services, one Linux, other Windows 2003, and I want do create a game host of SA:MP in one of them. I saw in some Game hosting businesses a interesting panel to manage servers, but I don't find this. I'm searching for 4 hours and nothing... Can anyone help me?

This is an image of this script in Portuguese and with images changed.

Heres a list of the commands you'll need for this project:
And you'll need to know the linux commands to:
kill tasks
start tasks

you wont be able to just find a script that has all of this.

Last year I found and I used this, but I lost all my files

Edit: I finally found it.

Windows (Size: 547 KB):

Linux (Size: 1326 KB)

This is Westie's control panel, he's not allowing to use his panel no more.

I don't think that matters this came directly from that file

LICENCE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation;

now i'm not familiar with the GNU but i'm pretty sure that "This program is free software you can redistribute it" means we can use it

how would you go about installing this and incorporating this into your website... right now i just use remote desktop for people to connect and manage their servers but i would like to keep my options open.


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