Nickname bug

This is starting to get annoying now, Im searching for a fix.

The server works as normal for about 20 minutes or less, then it disconnects and reconnects instantly with the world famous Nickname error. I heard someone mention something about Windows 95 compat mode, I have tried and it doesnt help in the slightest. If someone thinks it may be in the script then I would be gratefull for someone to have a look to see if they can find any possible cause. Just ask me and Ill post a pastebin link

Thanks in advance

Ok, Ive tried out another script and exactly the same thing happens. Please can someone help.

I notice something strange:


Incomming connection: *2.13*.2*6.33:1542 Me connecting
[join] Pack has joined the server (0:*********) Me joining
[chat] [Pack]: ;o chatting to check server was still responding
[death] Pack died 54 *cough*
Incomming connection: *2.13*.2*6.33:1548 JUST BEFORE THE SERVER GETS THIS ERROR, Incoming connection My same IP but different port
[part] Pack has left the server (0:0) Then it gives me the error...

Im still in need of help :P

No one knows
its running on XP btw

If you running a public script, try redownload the pwn and compile it or Amx, if you got a scripted version i say it again, check the script for errors or use a debug tool.

When you crash out of the game or leave the game without typing /quit then the server dosent know you want to disconnect, So it trys to reconnect to you, It takes about 30-40 seconds for the server to realise you have gone, If the client cant connect to the server either then it will try to reconnect, If you or the client try to reconnect before the server has acknowledged your disconnect then it will say Bad Nickname as it thinks you have the same Nickname as another player (Your old connection), Also AFAIK the port you use to connect with is randomised each time you connect so its okay that its changes

Does this happen on other servers or just your own?

Well, both on the same host. Ive changed hosts now and works fine thanks for help anyway

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