How to solve this?

I have an error...
I want to use the NoVadmin commands which were showed by HAMM3R, but it has an error...Who could tell me what to do?

C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\LOL.pwn(12) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dprop"

And at the gamemode I have this errors...

C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(66) : error 017: undefined symbol "format"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(66) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(66) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(66) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(103) : error 017: undefined symbol "MAX_PLAYERS"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(103) : error 009: invalid array size (negative, zero or out of bounds)
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(177) : error 017: undefined symbol "GangZoneCreate"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(176) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "max_y"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(176) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "max_x"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(176) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "min_y"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(176) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "min_x"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(200) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_open"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(200) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(203) : error 017: undefined symbol "format"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(203) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(203) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(203) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(204) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_query"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(204) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(205) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_get_field_assoc"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(205) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(206) : error 017: undefined symbol "strval"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(207) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_get_field_assoc"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(207) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(20 : error 017: undefined symbol "strval"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(209) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(209) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_get_field_assoc"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(209) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(210) : error 017: undefined symbol "strval"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(211) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_get_field_assoc"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(211) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(212) : error 017: undefined symbol "strval"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(213) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_get_field_assoc"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(213) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(214) : error 017: undefined symbol "strval"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(215) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(215) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_free_result"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(216) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(216) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(216) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(216) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(217) : error 017: undefined symbol "format"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(217) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(217) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(217) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(217) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(21 : error 017: undefined symbol "db_query"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(21 : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(219) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_free_result"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(220) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(220) : error 017: undefined symbol "format"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(220) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(220) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(220) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(221) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_query"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(221) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(222) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_free_result"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(226) : error 017: undefined symbol "printf"
C:\Documents and Settings\Customer\Desktop\novscripts\turfwars-1.1.pwn(229) : error 017: undefined symbol "db_close"

What to do? Sorry for double post!

Maybe to show us the code?

That bold rows are the errors...

#include <a_samp>
#include <dudb>
#include <dprop>
/*#define ROOT_PATHSAM "database/"
#define ROOT_PATH "database/"*/
#define DB_SAM "database/sam.db"
#define DB_BLACKLIST "database/blacklist.db"
#define DB_BADNAMES "database/badnames.db"
#define DB_ADMINCONFIG "database/commandlevels.db"
#define DB_ACCOUNTS "database/accounts.db"
#define DB_BANLIST "database/banlist.db"
#define DB_TEMPBAN "database/tempban.db"
#define DB_IP "database/ips.db"

That dprop is the shit...

Did you place that include file in your include folder? It is located in pawno folder...

Hmm, look this is the download link, I don't have no include:

Originally Posted by T.I.
Hmm, look this is the download link, I don't have no include:
That's your problem then! You are trying to use a include that you have not got... Get the 'dprop' Include and at it into your includes folder (Pawno/Include).

OK now I am getting this when I am running the script:

INIT ERROR1: Unable to open database database/turfs.db, please verify path

What to do?

No one help?

Put a // On the lines with the word " database " on it?

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