07.05.2020, 01:38
When vehicle explodes near players take no damage from explosion or when they catch on fire with this code:
However when I delete all the code inside and leave just this
Damage is being taken normally, I have absolutely not a clue what is preventing the damage.
I tried to debug it, weapon ids that're supposed to damage player on explosion or when he's on fire are ID:54 and ID:37
public OnPlayerDamage(&playerid, &Float:amount, &issuerid, &weapon, &bodypart) { if(Killed[playerid] != 0) return 1; hsv[issuerid] = 0; if((weapon == WEAPON_CARPARK || weapon == WEAPON_HELIBLADES || weapon == WEAPON_VEHICLE_MINIGUN) && GangTeam[playerid] == 0) { hsv[issuerid] = 1; return 0; } return 1; }
public OnPlayerDamage(&playerid, &Float:amount, &issuerid, &weapon, &bodypart) { return 1; }
I tried to debug it, weapon ids that're supposed to damage player on explosion or when he's on fire are ID:54 and ID:37