26.02.2009, 10:01
else if(strcmp("/buy", cmd, true) == 0) { new cmdcount = strcount(cmdtext, ' '); new busid; new locationid = GetLocationID(playerid); if(locationid != INVALID_LOCATION_ID) busid = LocationInfo[locationid][lBusinessId]; else busid = PlayerExtraInfo[playerid][pxInBusiness]; //printf("busid: %d, locationid: %d", busid,locationid); if(busid == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You need to be near a business."); if(cmdcount < 2) { //generate product list for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PRODUCTS; i++) { if(ProductInfo[busid][i][prSQLId] != INVALID_SQL_ID) { if(ProductInfo[busid][i][prFlags] & BUYABLE_PRODUCT) { format(string, sizeof(string),"%s, $%.2f", BaseProductInfo[ProductInfo[busid][i][prSQLId]][bpName], FloatMoney(ProductInfo[busid][i][prBuyPrice])); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); } } } format(string, sizeof(string), "Warning: [%i]%s just typed /buy - be sure he is not abusing this command.",playerid,PlayerInfo[playerid][pName]); SendAdminMessage(ADMIN_RED, string); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /buy [name/id] [amount=1]"); return 1; } /*if(PlayerExtraInfo[playerid][pxInBusiness] == 0) { if (!IsPlayerNearBusiness(playerid, BUSINESS_TYPE_FUEL, 10)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You must be inside the business."); return 1; } } */ if(BusinessInfo[busid][bType] & BUSINESS_TYPE_DRUGS) { //need to be a drug dealer if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJobId] != JOB_DRUGDEALER) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "You need to be a Drug Dealer to use this store."); return 1; } } tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); new prodid = GetProductID(busid, tmp); //printf("productid: %d ", prodid); if(prodid == INVALID_PRODUCT_ID) { format(string, sizeof(string)," Product %s doesn't exist.", tmp); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } new prodcount = 1; new prodtmp; new ProdSQLId = ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prSQLId]; //new currentfuel; if(cmdcount == 3) { tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if (strcmp("Fuel",BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName],true) == 0) { prodtmp = strval(tmp); } else { prodcount = strval(tmp); } } if (strcmp("Fuel",BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName],true) == 0) { if(prodtmp < 1 || prodtmp > 100) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY, " Amount must be less than 100 and more than 0 (percent)"); new modelid = VehicleInfo[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)][vModel]-MIN_VEHICLEMODELID; if (IsPlayerDriver(playerid)) prodcount = prodtmp * VehicleCostInfo[modelid][vcMaxFuel] / 100; else prodcount = prodtmp * 25/*fuel can*/ / 100; //printf("prodcount = %d",prodcount); // if (IsPlayerDriver(playerid)) currentfuel = VehicleInfo[GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)][vFuel]; } else { if(prodcount < 1) prodcount = 1; } //printf("prodtmp = %d | prodcount = %d",prodtmp,prodcount); if(!(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prFlags] & BUYABLE_PRODUCT)) { format(string, sizeof(string)," You can't buy %s from here.", BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } if(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prFlags] & AUTOGET_PRODUCT) //auto fulls up shop no need for trucker { new resultamt; new used = AddToValue(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable], BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpAvailable], resultamt, BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpMaxAllowed]); ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable] = resultamt; BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpAvailable] -= used; ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prBuyPrice] = BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpCurrentPrice]; ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prSellPrice] = 0; } if(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string)," Sorry, we are currently sold out of %s.", BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } if (strcmp("Fuel",BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName],true) == 0) { if(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable] < prodcount) { format(string, sizeof(string)," Sorry, we only have %d percent %s available.", ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable]*100/BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpMaxFactory], BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } } else { if(ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable] < prodcount) { format(string, sizeof(string)," Sorry, we only have %d %s available.", ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prNumAvailable], BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } } new totalprice = ProductInfo[busid][prodid][prBuyPrice]*prodcount; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] < totalprice) { format(string, sizeof(string)," You don't have enough money for this purchase, you need $%.2f.", FloatMoney(totalprice)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string); return 1; } new ProductType = BaseProductInfo[ProdSQLId][bpTypeId]; if(ProductType == PROD_FUEL) { new playerstate = GetPlayerState(playerid); if(playerstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new vcmodelid = VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vModel]-MIN_VEHICLEMODELID; if(VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vFuel] >= VehicleCostInfo[vcmodelid][vcMaxFuel]) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " Sorry, but you can't full up your vehicle any more."); return 1; } new fuel = VehicleInfo[vehicleid][vFuel] * 100 / VehicleCostInfo[vcmodelid][vcMaxFuel]; if (prodtmp <= fuel) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, " You can't fill your vehicle with less than your current fuel"); if (prodcount <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY," Go fill your car with fuel first!"); } //add fuel IsPlayerBuying[playerid] = 1; GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~w~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~Collecting Fuel, please wait",2000,3); StartTPWaitEvent(playerid,REFUELWAIT,busid,prodid,prodcount,1); } else { IsPlayerBuying[playerid] = 1; StartTPWaitEvent(playerid,1,busid,prodid,prodcount,0); if (PlayerToPoint(playerid, 50.0, -2165.8521,643.1754,1057.5938) || PlayerToPoint(playerid, 50.0, 234.4259,1072.0295,1084.1925) || PlayerToPoint(playerid, 50.0, 140.4808,1372.1063,1084.2736)) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] == GetFactionIdFromName(playerid, "MAFIA1") || PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] == GetFactionIdFromName(playerid, "MAFIA3") || PlayerInfo[playerid][pFaction] == GetFactionIdFromName(playerid, "MAFIA2")) { IsPlayerBuying[playerid] = 1; StartTPWaitEvent(playerid,1,busid,prodid,prodcount,0); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not allowed to buy from here"); IsPlayerBuying[playerid] = -1; } } } return 1; }
How to fix that it will not give him anything?