Two Questions !

1. What's mean NATIVE ? Because in some .inc i see #native <function>
2. What's mean STATIC ? e.g:

pawn Код:
static gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS];
* i've searched on WIKI & pawn-lang.pdf and i didn't find


1. What's mean NATIVE ? Because in some .inc i see #native <function>

This tells Pawno.exe's script functions what things should be in the functions E.G

SetGameModeText(const string[]);


SetGameModeText("This is a string");


What's mean STATIC ?

static and bool are native C / C++ integers

they just meen its a simple true or false

in pawno static's can be new's or bool's

the are used for certain things in C / C++
but in pawno it is just classed as a new :P

Hope that helps

static doesn't get trashed at the end of the function it was created in though.

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