Server crashes with just 1 error that i didnt understand

Hi, i have a sirious problem with my server, it crashes sometimes. It does'nt matter if im online, or aomeone else, also a ampty server crashes by me. My online and local version. And then, there's no error in server_log.txt, even no sign that the server is shutting down. And in crashinfo.txt one error, that i didnt understand.
Exception At Address: 0x0047C8C6


EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x02AA3E54 ECX: 0x00000000 EDX: 0x0012FB58
ESI: 0x0012FB58 EDI: 0x0012FD58 EBP: 0x0012F80C ESP: 0x0012F788
EFLAGS: 0x00010246


What does this mean? And how can i prevent this?

My GM is 2541 rules big, includes are A_SAMP, DUDB and DCMD. I've got 4 filterscripts: YSI, with 855 rules, Test Your Server, AntiCrash, and fallouts speedometer without any change. I setted HydraPassenger into my GM, and that was it. I use no plugins, and my scriptfiles map contains only register files.

Its very hard for someone to know why it crashs, something must trigger the crash, if you can when it crashes try and see what happend just before the crash, whether it was another player connecting or a timmer in your gm

Hope this helps somehow

My problem is not only online, its also at local. Nobody can get up to my server, and im not online at local. And it wil crash at a moment wich nobody knows. And it can be a timer, i can set off all timers. I've got now 2 timers, but is set it off to look if it is that.

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