mSelection problem

hi , i have a problem , when i want to use this include : click with for exp /selectskin command , it will show and desapear ! i have this problem with mSelection inc too , in fact it look the dialog will not respond and then the textdraws will remove i didnt have this problem before and its look like its apear when i add / edit some codes can you help me , when i may edit that is related to responde of dialogs ? (im pretty sure its about the respond , i write a code on OnDialogResponse so if the dialog responde set the player skin and if not send this mssg: Skin Select Cancelled and this mssg will show !)

i get this now that when this problem show up the mouse will flash when you want chat (when open chat box and mouse show)

hello? some body help please


thats the point! i dont know where i go wrong , i did not make any change on model selections codes , i dont know where i have a bad code that is related to this !

Try to write a very basilar gamemode, include mSelection and see if it works fine there

dude i just tried that with older versions of my game mode (with old includes !) and they are bugged too ! so its not from codes , do you have any idea ? filter scripts ? or other things ?

Without any code I cannot never help you

wtf , i found the problem but i cant figure out why its may bug this system !!? ok now this is my filter scripts line on server config file :
filterscripts npc_record objects objects2 Helmet Slap EasyAttach aview
and with this line every thing will goes right , but when i try to remove aview fs that bug will apear !! i removed aview from this line and the problem was show and when i load the fs by /rcon loadfs aview the problem gone ! wth ?! i dont want to use that fs anymore , i have a command that will have problem with this fs , i mean their commands will not work so i have to remove aview from filter scripts but then that problem will show up ! wth i should do

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