need some help on yuor server? [[personalcomputernerd]]

hey, im looking for a samp server to join and co-own with someone and hopefully become good mates with the person.

i basicly want to find a good samp mate who i can help co-own a, scripting, and in game stuff.

btw, im personalcomputernerd. lol

so, gimmie a reply if you got a server and need a co-host to help you out ALL over your server

Im interested in making a server what type do you mean ive got a gamemode script and a hell load of maps we could use??

But I got no host, have you?

me and a friend of mine want to make a server.. only the first problem is, we vant host.. it doesnt work.. first we fix ths problem.. the scripting wont be a problem..

Got your MSN, accept it.

You will see what you are waiting on your life long. U can script I hope.

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