30.06.2018, 18:25
I'm making a pet system with actor. I want to do "/petfollow" command but I couldn't. Can anyone help me? Codes're here.
I found these codes in a Turkish pawn forum.
My variables are:
If I can make this pet system, I will share it.
CMD:actorolustur(playerid) { new Float:pos[4]; GetPlayerPos(playerid,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,pos[3]); ActorPet = CreateActor(311,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3]); return 1; }
CMD:gel(playerid) { SetTimerEx("MoveActor",1,true,"i",playerid,ActorPet); return 1; }
forward MoveActor(playerid,id); public MoveActor(playerid,id) { if(IsValidActor(id)) { new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:angle; new Float:playerx,Float:playery,Float:playerz; GetPlayerPos(playerid,playerx,playery,playerz); GetActorPos(id,x,y,z); ApplyActorAnimation(id,"ped","run_player",4.1,1,1,1,0,0); ApplyActorAnimation(id,"ped","run_player",4.1,1,1,1,0,0); SetActorLookAt(id,playerx,playery); GetActorFacingAngle(id,angle); x += 0.01 * floatsin(-angle, degrees); y += 0.01 * floatcos(-angle, degrees); new Float:yeniz; MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(x,y,yeniz); SetActorPos(id x, y, yeniz+1); } return 1; }
stock SetActorLookAt(actorid, Float:X, Float:Y) { new Float:Px, Float:Py, Float: Pa; GetActorPos(actorid, Px, Py, Pa); Pa = floatabs(atan((Y-Py)/(X-Px))); if (X <= Px && Y >= Py) Pa = floatsub(180, Pa); else if (X < Px && Y < Py) Pa = floatadd(Pa, 180); else if (X >= Px && Y <= Py) Pa = floatsub(360.0, Pa); Pa = floatsub(Pa, 90.0); if (Pa >= 360.0) Pa = floatsub(Pa, 360.0); SetActorFacingAngle(actorid, Pa); }
My variables are:
"PlayerInfo[playerid][pPet]" "PlayerInfo[playerid][pPetStatus]" "PlayerInfo[playerid][pPetText]" "PlayerInfo[playerid][pPetName]"