Weird Crash Log - Part 2

[23:22:10] [debug] Server crashed while executing LS-CNR.amx
[23:22:10] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[23:22:10] [debug] #0 0000000c in ?? (6, 20580024, 0) from LS-CNR.amx
[23:22:10] [debug] #1 0004d4f8 in ?? (6, 20580000, 0) from LS-CNR.amx
[23:22:10] [debug] #2 0004fe54 in ?? (6, 20580000, 0, 0, 0, 8, 6, 20580000, 0, 0, ... <1073741813 arguments>) from LS-CNR.amx
[23:22:10] [debug] #3 000230f4 in public OnPlayerCommandText (6, 20580000) from LS-CNR.amx
What does this mean? I think it's something wrong with OnPlayerCommandText callback? Can someone explain? Shall i post the code under the callback here?

Yes show me your callbacks here.

What's weird is, there is nothing under OnPlayerCommandText..

Fixed it myself, it was the problem with a specific command that i just made!

Use -d3 in the compiler options as crashdetects release thread says when you use crashdetect, otherwise, it's all gibberish.

OnPlayerCommandText is called inside zcmd when you call a command.

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