23.06.2018, 18:40
Hello everybody.
I got a sick problem that I cant resolve it. I see all seems to be ok but they are not and I cant find a solution.
Please help me to find out what happen inside here.
I tryed this string szMiscArray to make it 1024 and 4096 and didnt work aswell. So there must be another way to resolve it.
I got a sick problem that I cant resolve it. I see all seems to be ok but they are not and I cant find a solution.
Please help me to find out what happen inside here.
./includes/dynamic/gates.pwn(1063) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions) ./includes/dynamic/gates.pwn(1064) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string) ./includes/dynamic/gates.pwn(1064) : error 017: undefined symbol "UPDATE" ./includes/dynamic/gates.pwn(1064) : error 017: undefined symbol "gates" ./includes/dynamic/gates.pwn(1064) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
stock SaveGate(id) { mysql_format(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "UPDATE `gates` SET \ `HID`=%d, \ `Speed`=%f, \ `Range`=%f, \ `Model`=%d, \ `VW`=%d, \ `Int`=%d, \ `Pass`='%e', \ `PosX`=%f, \ `PosY`=%f, \ `PosZ`=%f, \ `RotX`=%f, \ `RotY`=%f, \ `RotZ`=%f, \ `PosXM`=%f, \ `PosYM`=%f, \ `PosZM`=%f, \ `RotXM`=%f, \ `RotYM`=%f, \ `RotZM`=%f, \ `Allegiance`=%d, \ `GroupType`=%d, \ `GroupID`=%d, \ `RenderHQ`=%d, \ `Timer`=%d, \ `Automate`=%d, \ `Locked`=%d, \ `TIndex`=%d, \ `TModel`=%d, \ `TTXD`='%e', \ `TTexture`='%e', \ `TColor`=%d, \ <-1063 `Facility`=%d \ <-1064 WHERE `ID`=%d", GateInfo[id][gHID], GateInfo[id][gSpeed], GateInfo[id][gRange], GateInfo[id][gModel], GateInfo[id][gVW], GateInfo[id][gInt], GateInfo[id][gPass], GateInfo[id][gPosX], GateInfo[id][gPosY], GateInfo[id][gPosZ], GateInfo[id][gRotX], GateInfo[id][gRotY], GateInfo[id][gRotZ], GateInfo[id][gPosXM], GateInfo[id][gPosYM], GateInfo[id][gPosZM], GateInfo[id][gRotXM], GateInfo[id][gRotYM], GateInfo[id][gRotZM], GateInfo[id][gAllegiance], GateInfo[id][gGroupType], GateInfo[id][gGroupID], GateInfo[id][gRenderHQ], GateInfo[id][gTimer], GateInfo[id][gAutomate], GateInfo[id][gLocked], GateInfo[id][gTIndex], GateInfo[id][gTModel], GateInfo[id][gTTXD], GateInfo[id][gTTexture], GateInfo[id][gTColor], GateInfo[id][gFacility], id+1 ); mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, "OnQueryFinish", "i", SENDDATA_THREAD); return 0; }