22.04.2018, 14:13
I can't figure out whats wrong with this. It used to work perfectly and now it isn't anymore. Nothing has been changed to it. When i type the command. It returns 0 and tells me unknown command
I marked the debug messages with a red color:
So printf("test4"); , printf("test5"); and printf("test6"); are never executed.
This is the only command with this problem. What could be the problem?
I marked the debug messages with a red color:
CMD:reports(playerid,params[]) { printf("test"); new str[1024], string2[1024], string[1024], szQuery[128], status[25], reportid[25]; if(AdminLevel[playerid] >=2) { printf("test1"); for(new i = MAX_REPORTS; i > 0; i --) { printf("test2"); new reportstatus[5]; new DBResult:REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL; format(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM `REPORTS` WHERE `ID` = '%d'", i); REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL = db_query(LARP_DATABASE, szQuery); printf("test3"); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "ID", reportid, sizeof(reportid)); ReportInfo[i][ReportID] = strval(reportid); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "Status", reportstatus, sizeof(reportstatus)); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "PlayerName", ReportInfo[i][ReportedName], 124); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "Reported", ReportInfo[i][ReportedBy], 124); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "Report", ReportInfo[i][ReportedReason], 124); db_get_field_assoc(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL, "Date", ReportInfo[i][ReportedDate], 124); if(ReportInfo[i][ReportID] != 0) { printf("test4"); ReportInfo[i][ReportStatus] = strval(reportstatus); if(ReportInfo[i][ReportStatus] == 0) {status="{FF8000}Pending";} if(ReportInfo[i][ReportStatus] == 1) {status="{00CC00}Open";} format(str,sizeof(str),"%d\t%q\t%q\t%q\n", ReportInfo[i][ReportID], ReportInfo[i][ReportedName], ReportInfo[i][ReportedReason],status); strcat(string2,str); } db_free_result(REPORTS_RESULT_FINAL); } printf("test5"); format(str,sizeof(str),"Report ID\tReported Name\tReason\tStatus\n%s", string2); strcat(string,str); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_PENDINGREPORTS+1, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Pending Reports", string, "Select", "Back"); printf("test6"); } else return ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "You are not authorized to use this command."); return 1; }
[16:06:55] test [16:06:55] test1 [16:06:55] test2 [16:06:55] test3
This is the only command with this problem. What could be the problem?