Server doesn't start backtrence error

Hello, Its been a while that I started this server, but I updated the server to 0.3.7 and compiled it without warnings/errors but server doesn't start please take a look at the server logs

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[17:14:21] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[17:14:21] Server Plugins
[17:14:21] --------------
[17:14:21]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[17:14:21]   CrashDetect v4.18.1 is OK.
[17:14:21]   Loaded.
[17:14:21]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:14:21]   Loaded.
[17:14:21]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[17:14:21]  ===============================

[17:14:21]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:14:21]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[17:14:21]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[17:14:21]  ===============================

[17:14:21]   Loaded.
[17:14:21]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded.

[17:14:21]   Loaded.
[17:14:21]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[17:14:21]  ==================
[17:14:21]   Whirlpool loaded
[17:14:21]  ==================
[17:14:21]   Loaded.
[17:14:21]  Loaded 5 plugins.

[17:14:21] Ban list
[17:14:21] --------
[17:14:21]  Loaded: samp.ban
[17:14:21] Filterscripts
[17:14:21] ---------------
[17:14:21]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[17:14:22]  ======================================= 
[17:14:22]  |                                     | 
[17:14:22]  |        YSI version 3.01.0002        | 
[17:14:22]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[17:14:22]  |                                     | 
[17:14:22]  ======================================= 
[17:14:22] [debug] Server crashed while executing HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:14:22] [debug] #0 native fread () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #1 0002dcb4 in ?? () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #2 000bfbf0 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #4 0001f4f4 in public S@@_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #5 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #6 000140d4 in public S@@_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #7 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #8 0000e828 in public Itter_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #9 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #10 00007bd4 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #11 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #12 00001358 in public Streamer_OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] #13 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #14 00000aa4 in public OnGameModeInit () from HRP_main.amx
[17:14:22] [debug] Native backtrace:
[17:14:22] [debug] #0 777ea225 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] #1 00498bb8 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #2 004991e0 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] #3 00404f14 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] Registers:
[17:14:22] [debug] EAX: 00000024 EBX: 00000080 ECX: 00000020 EDX: 00304000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESI: 083024fc EDI: 08302514 EBP: 00000000 ESP: 0019d43c
[17:14:22] [debug] EIP: 00404f14 EFLAGS: 00010206
[17:14:22] [debug] Stack:
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000000: 00000000 0019d458 083024fc 00000080
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000020: 00000020 00405802 00000000 00000080
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000040: 004a5a3b 0019d4a4 777e13ee 00000014
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000060: 0488b238 004a5a71 0019d4c4 50870269
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000080: 54349824 0619d010 0019d4e0 5087233b
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 54349838 004057a0 04eda9f0 02165504
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 00000000 0019d630 004010b6 04eda9f0
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000000e0: 0000004c 0019d6a4 083024fc ef3c646c
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000100: 04eda9f0 00000000 02165b88 0002dcb4
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000120: 04880000 0019d610 00000001 0019d8f8
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000140: 00000020 00000001 0000000a 026a0000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000160: 048861e0 04885e28 00000014 00000000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000180: 00000000 026a08f8 01000020 0019d608
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000001a0: 04880000 0019fe9c 04eda9f0 00000000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000001c0: 0019d6a4 00000000 04eda9f0 05d3ca48
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000001e0: 04886248 ef3c646c 0019dc98 5433b8d5
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000200: 0019d6a4 083024fc 0019d69c 54324078
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000220: 00000479 00000000 0488acf0 0048e27c
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000240: 05d0ed94 012238ec 02165c48 0619d010
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000260: 0019d700 5431a767 00000000 0019db64
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000280: 04eda9f0 616d0074 00000000 00000479
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000002a0: 00000001 02165c54 0001f4f4 00000479
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000002c0: 0019d710 0019d710 5431d65a 0019db64
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000002e0: 0019db64 00000479 646d637a 476e4f5f
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000300: 04eda9f0 00000001 00000000 00000000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000320: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000340: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0049cf72
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000360: 0049d0e0 027e0b50 0019d7e4 00498bfe
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+00000380: 0299816c 02998180 00000000 00000000
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000003a0: 004ba128 ffffffff 00498ab9 0048c9dc
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 32005d31 32005d31 32005d31 32005d31
[17:14:22] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 00001008 00000000 0019d844 00001000
[17:14:22] [debug] Loaded modules:
[17:14:22] [debug] 00400000 - 00519000 samp-server.exe
[17:14:22] [debug] 777a0000 - 7792d000 ntdll.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74ad0000 - 74ba0000 KERNEL32.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 72080000 - 720af000 aswhookx.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74740000 - 74917000 KERNELBASE.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 75910000 - 76c43000 SHELL32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 75440000 - 754fd000 msvcrt.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74700000 - 74738000 cfgmgr32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 742e0000 - 743f7000 ucrtbase.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74630000 - 746b8000 shcore.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74210000 - 742ce000 RPCRT4.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 741c0000 - 741e0000 SspiCli.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 741b0000 - 741ba000 CRYPTBASE.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 75500000 - 75557000 bcryptPrimitives.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74a80000 - 74ac3000 sechost.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 75570000 - 757b6000 combase.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74dc0000 - 75386000
[17:14:22] [debug] 77470000 - 774e8000 advapi32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 77550000 - 77595000 shlwapi.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 746d0000 - 746f2000 GDI32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74bb0000 - 74d0e000 gdi32full.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 773d0000 - 7744c000 msvcp_win.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74400000 - 74575000 USER32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 77450000 - 77466000 win32u.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74db0000 - 74dbe000 kernel.appcore.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 76c50000 - 76c95000 powrprof.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 76df0000 - 76e04000 profapi.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 73ee0000 - 73ee8000 WSOCK32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 76ca0000 - 76d06000 WS2_32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 72050000 - 72074000 WINMM.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 72000000 - 72023000 WINMMBASE.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 741e0000 - 74205000 IMM32.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 54300000 - 54350000 crashdetect.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 52510000 - 52579000 MSVCP100.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 50860000 - 5091f000 MSVCR100.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 5ac30000 - 5ac6f000 streamer.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 10000000 - 1000c000 sscanf.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 02900000 - 02915000 mysql.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 507b0000 - 50853000 MSVCR90.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 50720000 - 507ae000 MSVCP90.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 046b0000 - 047f1000 LIBMYSQL.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70a80000 - 70a91000 napinsp.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70440000 - 70456000 pnrpnsp.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70420000 - 70433000 NLAapi.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70a20000 - 70a75000 mswsock.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 73560000 - 735f4000 DNSAPI.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 746c0000 - 746c7000 NSI.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 73a90000 - 73ac0000 IPHLPAPI.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 705b0000 - 705bc000 winrnr.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 705a0000 - 705a8000 rasadhlp.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 02990000 - 0299c000 Whirlpool.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 6f130000 - 6f2bc000 urlmon.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74610000 - 74629000 imagehlp.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 6ef10000 - 6f12a000 iertutil.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 74920000 - 74a17000 ole32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 66b80000 - 66bde000 msiso.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 71ea0000 - 71f19000 uxtheme.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 711f0000 - 71213000 dwmapi.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 73600000 - 738c4000 WININET.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 6d720000 - 6d732000 ondemandconnroutehelper.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 739e0000 - 73a8d000 winhttp.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70670000 - 70678000 WINNSI.DLL
[17:14:22] [debug] 74d10000 - 74da3000 OLEAUT32.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 70550000 - 7059e000 fwpuclnt.dll
[17:14:22] [debug] 73230000 - 73249000 bcrypt.dll

Did you update include/plugins?

Originally Posted by v1k1nG
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Did you update include/plugins?
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <a_zones>
#include <foreach>
#include <yom_buttons>
#include <djson>
#include <YSI\y_timers>
#include <YSI\y_utils>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <crashdetect>

All of those ?

I see you are unsure, before doing anything backup your server folder, then try with updating includes, plugins and recompile the script after you did that. I remember I had this issue time ago, probably this was the matter.

Even with updated versions, I get the same server logs.. Any idea where the problem can be found elsewhere ?

The server starts with version 3z but not with 0.3.7


17:14:22] [debug] #0 native fread () from samp-server.exe

Looks like a bad file handle passed to fread(). Verify you have a valid handle.

Originally Posted by Grim_
Посмотреть сообщение
Looks like a bad file handle passed to fread(). Verify you have a valid handle.
This. Also to get where exactly that happens, compile the gamemode with -d3

Originally Posted by iKarim
Посмотреть сообщение
This. Also to get where exactly that happens, compile the gamemode with -d3
That didn't work same errors

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