25.07.2010, 06:15
Последний раз редактировалось Andy1210; 25.07.2010 в 15:45.
Причина: update
sorry my english is bad 
Its my first script
You can buckle up your seatbelt with /buckle command!
If you don't buckle up, when your vehicle damaged, then you will injured! (Every vehicle damage -3 HP)
Realistic damage taken depending on the speed
I used zcmd for the command!
v1.2 Download:

Its my first script

You can buckle up your seatbelt with /buckle command!
If you don't buckle up, when your vehicle damaged, then you will injured! (Every vehicle damage -3 HP)
Realistic damage taken depending on the speed
I used zcmd for the command!
v1.2 Download: