problem with saving the achievements
in this screenshot you can see the achievements complete.

if i restart the server, the achievs become incomplete and i can do them at infinity.

the database is saving the first time when i complete the achievements, but them can be recompleted infinity times.

how can i fix it?

the function which saves the achievements in database:

function SalvareRealizari(playerid) {
	new string[256], query[256];
	format(string, sizeof(string),
		PlayerInfo[playerid][pAchievement][0], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAchievement][1], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAchievement][2], PlayerInfo[playerid][pAchievement][3]);

	format(query, sizeof(query),
		"UPDATE `users` SET `Realizari`='%s' WHERE `ID`='%d'", string, PlayerInfo[playerid][pSQLID]);
	mysql_tquery(SQL, query, "","");
	return 1;

If your local database is saving a value, why would we need the UPDATE query? ..

removed the query update but the same problem

if i restart server, i can do the achiv at infinity, but in the database the value is 1, which means it's already done

any fixes?

Originally Posted by enzulikeS
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removed the query update but the same problem

if i restart server, i can do the achiv at infinity, but in the database the value is 1, which means it's already done

any fixes?
Try deleting System32 while you're at it.

nice joke, don't do it anymore.


how do you use the function above?
show us what happens when he finishes one quest

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