Help in scripting

Hello friend's, I have one problem may you can help me.
So, I want to make server like one GTA V mini game.
When you stand on the number with your car you get scorre like that number and you have a parachute .
May you know what I mean.
Go this video and you'll see what I mean:

Oh yes, rewind on 1:20

1. How to make that you got a scorre when you stand on number?
2. How to make that parachute if it posible?
3. To recommend me any same gamemode.

Thank's a lot to all.

okay so to make the parachute stuff you can use my filter script that make you skydive u can edit its location if u like
now to check if the person is on a number u can use if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, Float:range, x, y, z) ) { //ur code} x y z are the coordinates of ur number and the range is the distance between him and these cords so u can make it 1.5 for more accurate landing this is for player parachute if your looking for an vehicle parachute I think you should use the search button next time but here you go this is my vehicle parachute system: and there is another one on the forums I cant remember its name but you will still find it I don't check the forums everyday if u need further help pm me and ill be glad to help you with that system.

Thanks a lot to my friend very much.
It helped me in my work.

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