08.11.2017, 17:18
Last edited by KingPlayer; 10/11/2017 at 02:53 PM.
New Unlimited Roleplay
SA:MP: 185 172 145 169:7788
Teamspeak: Soon!
Forums: www.nurp.ml
New Unlimited Roleplay is a new and yet growing SA:MP community. It is a medium level RP server with a lot of features that are very much custom. We have got some big plans for our server's future, as we are planning to grow high and build the best second home for our players. The server is not done completely, which means that you might find a bug in the server. If you do, please go to our forums and post a Bug Report thread, and it will be fixed as soon as possible! We have a very experienced and fully organised staff team, which means that we are not hiring anymore administrators, at least for now.
SA:MP: 185 172 145 169:7788
Teamspeak: Soon!
Forums: www.nurp.ml
New Unlimited Roleplay is a new and yet growing SA:MP community. It is a medium level RP server with a lot of features that are very much custom. We have got some big plans for our server's future, as we are planning to grow high and build the best second home for our players. The server is not done completely, which means that you might find a bug in the server. If you do, please go to our forums and post a Bug Report thread, and it will be fixed as soon as possible! We have a very experienced and fully organised staff team, which means that we are not hiring anymore administrators, at least for now.
The server has got a lot of custom and unique features that we are sure you're going to like!
Some of them are:
Some of them are:
- Dynamic Admin System
Dynamic Business System
Dynamic Backpack System
Dynamic Group System
Dynamic Family/Gang System
Dynamic VIP System
Dynamic Locker System ( lockers can be added in-game using a command )
Dynamic Event System
and a lot more...
Please do not /report "I need an owner" or "I want to be an admin". This type of players will be report muted!