23.10.2017, 09:00
Ok,so what im trying to do here is to add a 3D Text Label that will appear on every organization checkpoint added.It should load organization name from dir_orgfiles and automatically put on top of every org cp.Take a look.
Part from the code:
Part from the code:
temp1 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, FILE_OSTATS), "max_org"); temp2 = sizeof(zonenames); for (new orgp = 1; orgp <= temp1; orgp++) { format(string, 10, "org%d", orgp); if (dini_Exists(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string))) { new cstr[256], cstr2[256], cstr3[256], cstr4[256]; for(new ip = 0; ip<3; ip++) { format(cstr, sizeof(cstr), "p%d_model", ip); temp3 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), cstr); if (temp3 != 0) { format(cstr, sizeof(cstr), "p%d_x", ip); format(cstr2, sizeof(cstr2), "p%d_y", ip); format(cstr3, sizeof(cstr3), "p%d_z", ip); format(cstr4, sizeof(cstr4), "p%d_w", ip); opickup[orgp-1][ip-1] = CreatePickup(temp3, 2, dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), cstr), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), cstr2), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), cstr3), dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), cstr4)); } } new str[256], ctr[256]; format(str, sizeof(str), "%s", dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name")); format(ctr, sizeof(ctr), "0x%sFF", dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "color")); ocheckp[orgp-1] = CreateDynamicCP(dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_x"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_y"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_z"), 1.1, dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_w"), -1, -1, 50.0); olabel[orgp-1] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(str, COLOR_RED, dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_x"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_y"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_z")+5.0, 1.1, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "ocp_w"), -1, -1, -1, 50.0); Create3DTextLabel(str, COLOR_RED, dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), dini_Float(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name")+5.0, 1.1, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "name"), -1, -1, -1, 50.0); cptype[ocheckp[orgp-1]][0] = CP_TYPE_ORG; cptype[ocheckp[orgp-1]][1] = orgp; orgcata[orgp-1] = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), "catag"); temp5 = 0; for (new u = 0; u < MAX_GANG_TURFS; u++) { format(tmp, 12, "zone%d", u+1); if (dini_Isset(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp)) { temp3 = dini_Int(AddDirFile(dir_orgfiles, string), tmp); for (new h = 0; h < temp2; h++) { if (strcmp(zonenames[h][z_name], zonenames[temp3][z_name], true) == 0) { temp4 = GangZoneCreate(zonenames[h][z_minx], zonenames[h][z_miny], zonenames[h][z_maxx], zonenames[h][z_maxy]); gangzon[temp4] = temp3; ozoneids[orgp-1][temp5] = 1; } } } temp5 ++; } } }