Voice chat

Well, recently I was thinking of any idea to make voice chat in-game.

Then an idea struck my mind, dunno if it'll be possible or not. It's 80% possible and 20% reset depends on a software.

What I thought is, something like the one who'll speak should have a client software (ofcourse need to be custom made if doesn't exist) which at first launching asks for in-game and password to link it in-game and a server software version for the server just like Audio plugin's server and then whatever he/she will speak gets sent to the server version software and it would save the file into audipacks (Audio plugin) and then use Audio plugin to stream it to nearby players.

All it would need is just the software for the speaker and server and everyone would be able to hear it or players within a certain range and the audio plugin.

So what do you think, would it be possible?

I’m 100% sure this has been discussed numerous times and has badically been denied.

Seen what happened with CS:GO? Yeah, it's fucked due to voice communications, leave it to TeamSpeak3 and just let the community take care of it.

It's even possible to create server plugin which would manage TeamSpeak server to stream voice for players based on distance/groups (I mean PDs, gangs etc) but nobody cares.

Originally Posted by Meller
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Seen what happened with CS:GO? Yeah, it's fucked due to voice communications, leave it to TeamSpeak3 and just let the community take care of it.
lol what? no it's not?

Originally Posted by Meller
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Seen what happened with CS:GO? Yeah, it's fucked due to voice communications, leave it to TeamSpeak3 and just let the community take care of it.
The most fun part in CS:GO is the voice chat, I only learned cyka blyat and some russian shit from there, I also love being salty sometimes
Voice chat is a great addition indeed

Discussed countless of times before please search before posting, it's not going to happen.
Majority of players use discord/mumble for voice chat anyway so wasting time on such a feature is pointless.

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