01.09.2017, 18:23
I want to be able to reconnect to the server (after i close and restart it) without having to re-launch the game.
I tried this:
After i used "/rcon exit" i get "server closed the connection" ... the server itself did restart but to actually play on it i would have to re-launch the game.
So am i missing something? I remember this (or something similar) working.
I tried this:
@ECHO OFF TITLE Yom's SA-MP server restarter COLOR 09 SET option_log=0 SET folder=restarter SET file_1=server_log.txt SET file_2=%folder%\server.log SET file_3=%folder%\restarter.log SET file_4=%folder%\reset.reg SET server=samp-server.exe SET count=0 SET regkey="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" IF NOT EXIST %server% ( COLOR 0C ECHO %server% was not found! ECHO Press any key to exit. PAUSE > NUL GOTO EOF ) IF NOT EXIST %folder% MD %folder% IF NOT EXIST %file_4% ( REG EXPORT %regkey% %file_4% > NUL REG ADD %regkey% /V Auto /D 1 /F > NUL REG ADD %regkey% /V Debugger /D 0 /F > NUL ) :START CLS & ECHO. SET hh=%time:~0,2% IF %hh% LSS 10 SET hh=0%time:~1,1% SET msg=[%date%][%hh%:%time:~3,5%] Server IF %count% EQU 0 (SET msg=%msg% started.) ELSE SET msg=%msg% restarted [%count%x]. ECHO %msg% & ECHO %msg%>> %file_3% IF %option_log% EQU 1 ( ECHO %msg%>> %file_2% TYPE %file_1%>> %file_2% FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,4) DO ECHO.>> %file_2% ) GOTO NEXT :NEXT SET /A count+=1 CALL %server% GOTO START :EOF
So am i missing something? I remember this (or something similar) working.