Linux Problem

I have a problem with my server..
Some callbacks and stocks are not working in Linux.
This things are working fine in windows but not in linux it is not being called..
Hope u guys know a solution...

++ REP if helped

Yes, we magically now, why the functions (there are no stocks), that we have never seen, do not work.

If u expect help, give at least a small amount of information

PHP код:
public OnPlayerRegister(playeridcheck)
Player[playerid][sqlCheck] != check)
Player[playerid][pID]            = cache_insert_id();
Player[playerid][tryLogin]        = 0;
Player[playerid][playerLogged]    = GetTickCount();
Player[playerid][useCommand]    = true;
Player[playerid][loggedIn]        = true;
Player[playerid][savedHealth]    = 0;
Player[playerid][deed]    = 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,"Please choose a class to continue.");
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{FFFFFF}Welcome to Los Santos Cops and Robbers.\n\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}Use /commands to view a list of server commands.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}You can buy Weapons from Ammunations located in LS.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}You can buy grocery items from shops located in LS.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}Use /nav to view the navigation menu and find nearest dealers.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}You can also start work in vehicles like shamal,dodo,trucks,taxi,buses etc.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}Use /work to start a work in mission vehicle.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}Use /ask to ask doubts to admins and helpers.\n"pesan);
format(pesansizeof(pesan), "%s{12FB03}Use /savestats to save your ingame stats.\n"pesan);
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_SHOWRULESDIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Server Tutorial"pesan"Next""");
//SetTimerEx("stopCamera", 10000, false, "d", playerid);
    //SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, -1545.7174, 784.8076, 9.3869);
    //SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, -1545.0247, 785.5266, 9.6019);
return 1;

>> Registration not saving
>>Not spawningafter registration.
>>Onplayerrequestclass Textdraw Not working.
>>AFter on playerspawn txds not working.
>>ALso u can see a dialog (Showrules) it is also not showing up.../

Note: Everything works fines with windows host but not in linux..
If u need more codes just let me know

is on player register ever called? If not, what is the last thing that is called, in which method does it actually fail. And are you sure, that on the windows host the setup / settings are the same as on the linux one?

Yes it is called onplayerconnect if the name is registered it will show login else it will show reg dialog.
Login dialog works perfect but registration is having issue.also i noticed that there is no problem with saving just a problem with spawn button and Textdraws. spawn button doesnot works i think there is a issue with onplayerrequestclass or onplayerrequestspawn...
And what do u mean by settings ?
It works fine on my host(Windows) and Linux is my friends host another computer other network..


u need mysql for saving account

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