Vehicle Plate Generation problem


I've been trying for 5 hours to summon a function that can regenerate a license plate.

For example: AAA-001, AAA-002 and nice line.
In MySQL, store the last license number to decide what to do next.

I say getnewplate command and server drop me this: "AAA-003", next "AAA-004", and work all

AAA-009 next AAA-010

Unfortunately I did not have too much success, but I could replace one character. : 'D

I hope someone can help me.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Here's how I do it in my script by going off California license plates:

At the top of your script, place this. It'll generate characters from A-Z.
PHP код:
new possiblePlates[][] = {"A""B""C""D""E""F""G""H""I""J""K""L""M""N""O""P""Q""R""S""T""U""V""W""X""Y""Z"}; 
Inside the command / function you have:

It's pretty self explanatory.

PHP код:
new rand[3], carPlates[32]; 
rand[0] = random(sizeof(possiblePlates)); 
rand[1] = random(sizeof(possiblePlates)); 
rand[2] = random(sizeof(possiblePlates));
format(carPlatesizeof(carPlate), "%d%s%s%s%d%d%d"random(9), possiblePlates[rand[0]], possiblePlates[rand[1]], possiblePlates[rand[2]], random(9), random(9), random(9)); 
Just remember there's a limit of 32 characters on each number plate (including embedded colors).

This is just an example.

Arthur's code generates random plates everytime, and its more recommended.

But if you want it to be like AAA_000 next AAA_001 ect.. then here is a simple try

PHP код:
new LastPlate;
stock GetNewPlate()
LastPlate<10format(strsizeof(str), "AAA_00%d"LastPlate);
    else if(
LastPlate>&& LastPlate<100format(strsizeof(str), "AAA_0%d"LastPlate);
    else if(
LastPlate>99 && LastPlate<1000format(strsizeof(str), "AAA_%d"LastPlate);


@Shinja - read up on format syntax, you can add leading zeroes much more easily:
pawn Код:
new LastPlate;
stock GetNewPlate()
    new str[7];
    format(str, sizeof(str), "AAA_%03d", LastPlate);
    return str;


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