18.06.2017, 14:41
Hey guys i have a cmd that will add a faction spawn where i am but it give's wrong coords like the Z is +0.5 instead of beeing right where i am.
PIC: http://imgur.com/a/dgu71
When i load the factions they read the coords from structure where factions are so i didn't add +0.5 or else to the load.
PIC: http://imgur.com/a/dgu71
HTML Code:
CMD:addfac(playerid, params[]) { new fac[40], var100[60]; if(!IsManager(playerid)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Nu ai gradul necesar ca sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); if(sscanf(params,"s[40]", fac)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_SYN, "Sintaxa:{FFFFFF} /addfac [Nume Factiune]"); { new Float:POSX, Float:POSY, Float:POSZ; GetPlayerPos(playerid, POSX, POSY, POSZ); gQuery[0] = (EOS); mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery), "INSERT INTO `factions` (`Name`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Slots`,`MinLevel`,`Application`,`News`) VALUES ('%s','%f','%f','%f','10','5','0','Bun venit in %s')", fac, POSX, POSY, POSZ, fac); mysql_query(handle, gQuery); format(var100, sizeof(var100), "Ai adaugat factiunea [%s].", fac); SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, var100); defer EditFaction(playerid); } return 1; }