15.03.2017, 17:37
Последний раз редактировалось Amit1998; 03.06.2017 в 12:37.
string gamePath = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\SAMP").GetValue("gta_sa_exe").ToString();
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(installdirectory, "-c -n " + playerinfo[0] + " -h SERVER_IP -p 7777");
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(installdirectory, "-c -n " + playerinfo[0] + " -h SERVER_IP -p 7777"); |
I'm using this, it launches the game, however, it doesnt use the credentials(playerinfo[0] is the username, SERVER_IP is the IP)
It connects me to :7777 with a blank username instead.. And yes, I checked and the variables are legit. |
string parameters = "-c -n " + playerinfo[0] + " -h -p 7777"; Console.WriteLine(parameters); or something...
Printed them. Anywho, I realised that I should inject samp.dll into the gta_sa.exe process.
My knowledge in C# is very slim, and going through online tutorials, I realised it's hard, are you experienced enough to gimme a hand in that too? Please :P |