Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"

It Gives Me This In Server Log

[18:36:30] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[18:36:30] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 1000
[18:36:30] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:36:30] [debug] #0 00101798 in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=0, killerid=65535, reason=54) at D:\RPG V3 EDITED\gamemodes\gtarg.pwn:13966
[18:36:30] [debug] #1 000f947c in public OnPlayerTakeDamage (playerid=0, issuerid=65535, Float:amount=3.30000, weaponid=54, bodypart=3) at D:\RPG V3 EDITED\gamemodes\gtarg.pwn:13357
Code hightlight line 13357

				if(PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintKills] == 190)
				    PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintRank] = 14;
					Update(killerid, pPaintRankx);
					PlayerInfo[killerid][pCash] += 700000;
					Update(killerid, pCashx);
					GivePlayerCash(killerid, 500000);
					PlayerInfo[killerid][pExp] += 10;
					Update(killerid, pRP);
					PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] += 7;
					Update(playerid, pPremiumPointsx);
				    SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Xep hang tang! Ban bay gio la Distinguished Master Guardian.");
				    SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Ban nhan duoc $700.000, 10 RP va 7 PP(vip xu)");
        			format(rankz, sizeof(rankz), "Distinguished Master Guardian");
        			PlayerInfo[killerid][pRankName] = rankz;
				    Update(killerid, pRankNamex);

the killerid and issuerid should be checked that they dont equal to invalid playerid


#0 00101798 in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=0, killerid=65535, reason=54)
#1 000f947c in public OnPlayerTakeDamage (playerid=0, issuerid=65535, Float:amount=3.30000, weaponid=54, bodypart=3)


the killerid and issuerid should be checked that they dont equal to invalid playerid

one that is correct

Two. Your killerid and playerid is reaching 65535.

playerid's only reach 1000.

so either there is something wrong with your code or you are using mysql with 6000+ registered players/accounts.

correct your loops on that coz you are not giving the right playerid's on issuerid and killerid's

Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
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one that is correct

Two. Your killerid and playerid is reaching 65535.

playerid's only reach 1000.

so either there is something wrong with your code or you are using mysql with 6000+ registered players/accounts.

correct your loops on that coz you are not giving the right playerid's on issuerid and killerid's
That's why you need to check if the issuerid is correct.

What the others meant was, on the Line number:> 13966 inside gtrg.pwn, you are trying to access an Array Slot (65535) which exceed the mentioned array size..
If a player dies due to his carelessness / fault(Suicide), the killerid in OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason), will be INVALID_PLAYER_ID(65535)..
For instance when you have a script to increase the kill count of a player, you must do
PHP Code:
public OnPlayerDeath(playeridkilleridreason)
killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { //This will make sure there is no array out of bound due to INVALID_PLAYER_ID

Rep+ goes to the above guys who helped. I just rephrased their words.

That "Rep+" isn't even valid lol. Provides a great example.

Originally Posted by ISmokezU
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That "Rep+" isn't even valid lol. Provides a great example.
my bad.

Don't follow what I said.

I guess I need to read more and more.

rep doesn't even work properly

Thank all . That really great

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